
Killer Months.

As if it hasn't been hectic enough as it is.

This next month is going to be balls out.

But this is the life. This is pavement and road and grass and streams of ropy whiz. This is a fractal cloud breaking over the night horizon.

I take heart from the Obama Campaign. He says he's going to take a break in August sometime...so a couple of days off in February, a few days off in June and a week in august, every day hitting the wall. Drawing from the well. No energy left for the tears, just dragging on during the dog days in the heart of the midwest unrelenting oppressive pig infused haze heat and the south's pounding dog breath and the west's searing sole, soul melting glaze...

In for coachings on some new rep in the morning, then power lunch, then more outstanding research and newer research, freshly hatched, then cleaning up and combining years of technical writing and putting it all together in a nice artful, tasty and more importantly, Fucking Readable package.

So would I rather be just a singer? Hah.

My life has brought me here, to this stage through all of the tiny molecular decisions I have made during the past decade.

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