
Eyes blazing

Burning the proverbial candle from four sides now.

I am now helping Jeffery Ruckman raise money for his Spoonbender Orchestra Series.

The group consists of a full Gamelan as well as a few other choice instuments. Personnel, top notch of course.

I guess I could list it all for you , you know.

Would that help?

I found a motherlode of books at Half-Price Books which I can fully endorse because one of the owneres of the company is a fan and buys my records...so I buy his books and talk about what a cool selection of super cheap new and repurposed books they have... for nothing more than making these things available... they also sell LP's.

The Complete Idiots Guide to Grant Writing, or some such falderall. Yes!

I am the owner of a small business, an arts corporation, not an organization, whose three year purpose has been to develop arts brands that had the capability to translate to both the arts community, as well as targeted demographics, in order for these brands to be matched to and sponsored by corporations and or investors.

A total profit oriented company completely removed from the charity scene.

Nice idea.

So what's an Opera singer doing in this world anyway? Yeah. good question.

I have two ultimate heros in my professional life.

Kim Witman of Wolf Trap Opera. She took a chance on me so many years ago, to let this green kid come sing in her company. Amazing. I know, I have mentioned her before...and I will do so again. She puts it out there every day. From seeing WTOC and what it is now compared to what it was ten years ago and that's just from my perspective I am beside myself with a need to at least work that hard to put something together that has such an impact in the world. The art form and the community are far, far richer for what she has been steely and supple enough to accomplish.

Obviously she has a cadre of people that create a lot of the magic there. Without self starting individuals, brilliant in their own capacity, Wolf Trap would be less than the sum of its parts.

Placido Domingo:

I don't know how many times I will envoke this name, but I have to say that I strive to work half as much as Domingo. And if that happened I would only be Artistic Director of one company, sing only what...>75 roles professionally and conduct twice a year.

These are the people whose work holds my feet to the fire every day.

I strive to be the best singer I can be.

I strive to be a leader who leads by example and follows as well as he leads.

I try to have an amazing attitude always...at least outwardly.

I strive to face my fears.

I strive to keep a loving relationship at home.

I strive to have as much fun as I can.

I strive to retain my objectively.

I work toward keeping abrast of my finances.

I fight to propel artistry as an equal to, at minimum, business.

I pain to remian vibrantly authentic.

I try to live like a human being.

and I try to keep my word at all times and not equivocate.

There are others and I'll fill you in on those heroes in due time but.. I'm nodding off

I don't get enough sleep. rehearsal tonight for the band.

must go and prep.

Thanks you two.

Off like bug spray.


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