
And again

Up all night. Coffee was tasty and I was kind of on a roll tonight.

I Studied a little more on Julie Taymor, how I love her. OMFG, Titus? and, well, all of her stuff?

The deal is, I am so inspired by her that I want all of my productions to look like hers. Which is totally reedikulus. Take THAT spell check.

And Grendel, written with her partner, shoobah shooba. I forgot his name for the moment...hold on...bingo, Elliot Goldenthal.

I was reading Kim Witman' post a little while back about new opera and New York Festival of Song and Volpone, please look em up, thought the Times has a great quote from Kim. Id' suggest reading the entire thing if you can find it.

How did it get to be six? uh thirty.

Whatever. All I am saying is that an artist should or should not steal from the best.

But if you do...don't make it too abvious, as tributes are, indeed cool, if you are into that, but be at least a little generative.

I am Wanting SO badly to be able to give my community both chamber stuff and grand opera. Sucks to be me, not giving either at the moment.

Ah, but Wait till September.

Hey, Did you hear the one about Bush ordering Special Forces into Iran? That helps.

Any of you clandestine boys or girls crossing over, be safe. We want you home, sipping Mojitos sometime.

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