
There is no Win in today

At the risk of sounding maudlin in the title, I'm here to tell you I'm not feeling that way...AT ALL.

For years I have been searching for something to call today's Classical Music.
It's odd, but I'm not sure I can self describe, self-prescribe a nominative for a culture that prides itself on the heavy weight of History.

I don' e'n know if I can comment on it anymore. Eevn commenting on it, I think seems to diminish the actual presence that we need to have in classical music.

Classical music, is alive and well. It is not dead, nor will it ever be dead.

Either that, or I may be looking well, let me strike that last comment.

classical music is dead...As we have known it to be.

The forms still exist and the black noted on white pages still exist and the sounds still exist, but when you look at it as a commentary on today, classical music as a panacea, I think it may not have the quality it once had.

The quality of

I'm better than you.

With all of the music out there all jumbled into trillions of gigs of information, I think we miss the point of where we are. Today.

Today, sounds co-mingle like DNA understood to be vast and diverse yet only understood as parts, Parts that have specific meaning and yet have everything and nothing to do with any of the other parts. Some sections are telling atoms or moleculkes, or whatever to make SKIN, other parts of the code mean that cells combine. Simply combine. It's part of SKIN, but it's also part of HEART.

Sure it all means something. But it's part of the collection, myriads of commands, shoveling itself into something as tiny as we are, in comparison to say, our solar system. Whatever, just mad lib your smallest known object, or largest thing you personally know and juxtapose it to the opposite.

And so is our string of knowledge these days. It's not just in relation to the organized structures of sound we know as music, but of visual manifestations, of intellectual thought, of pieces of info we feel and see and have experienced in our new age of information.

Tomorrow, today, yesterday, we are all putting this together to make something of ourselves.

Problem is, that we are...interrupted by a phone call.

Think about it though.

Throughout history we have been told that this one person is/was better than some other, and not to say that wasn't right, but you and I both know there are huge discrepancies with what hype IS and what truths are out there.

And now, right now, like with the introduction of the printing press, we have the opportunity to listen to what was the hype and find truth in that, or compare it with another thing. a shelved item, a shunned idea, an idea waiting to be manifest. How exciting.

And in this discovery, is a monotonous song. Where is all basically sounds the same. Or, all the parts sound basically the same.

The funny thing is. Well, when you actually compare the things that sound the same, if say you are looking at a DNA strand, one thing makes a millipede and another makes a man.

Mothertongue - Rhapsody Link

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